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SACS SIP Introduction The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools School Improvement Process (SACS SIP) consists of eight components which collectively form the school improvement plan for the school. The components of the SACS SIP are an Executive Summary, a Performance and Progress Report , School Profile, Beliefs and Mission, Priorities for Improving Student Learning, Priorities for Improving School Performance, An Action Plan, and Standards for Accreditation. Each school is expected to review each component on an annual basis and update, when appropriate. A school's success in achieving its goals requires a continuous process of sustained commitment and effort. Therefore, it is critical that each of the components of the SACS SIP reflect current knowledge and evidence about the school and its students. The SACS SIP involves three phases in each five-year-cycle: Planning Phase, Peer Review Phase, and Implementation Phase. The framework assists a school in developing an action plan focused on student learning and performance. The framework consists of three essential parts: the process to create action plans, the support to do the work, and a monitoring process that focuses on the implementation and effectiveness of such plans. Headland High School is currently in the Planning Phase. This site will provide information on the progress of the school in each of the phases. The site will be updated weekly.