Aviation Course Dual Enrollment Wallace College Dual Enrollment Courses Monthly School Events Calendar Clubs and Activities Pictures
Updated: May 11, 2009
Memorial Day--School Holiday--Monday, May 25th!!! Trimester Tests--May 27 and 28th. Last Day of School for students--May 28th!!! Beanies and drawstring tote bags are for sale in the office for $10.00 each.
First Priority meets each Wednesday morning at 7:30 in the
auditorium. All
Seniors: Please check the senior page for prom payments, scholarship information, graduation supplies, and other information. It has been updated and there is information that you need to know on the page. ACT Test Dates: June 13, 2009 See Mrs. Frank for application packets. You can also register online at ACT, Inc. : A Student Site for ACT Test Takers
Lunch Prices have changed. See the lunch menu link on the side of this page for the new prices. They are located at the bottom of the page, below the menu for the week. Parking Permits: Cost is $15.00 for the year. You must have a valid driver's license and proof of insurance before you will be issued a permit. We will begin checking parking permits on Monday, August 11th. If you do not have a permit, you need to buy one. If you are parking in another student's parking space or you have not bought a parking permit, your parking privileges will be revoked. Lockers: Cost will be $10.00 for the year. Students will pay their homeroom teacher and receive a receipt and a locker. Lockers are a good investment because the cost of textbooks have gone up and the students are responsible for the books. If a book is lost or damaged, the student will be charged for the book or the damage. Football Tickets: Varsity game tickets will be $5.00 per person whether bought in advance or at the gate. Both the varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules are on the Athletics Page. Student Handbooks and Code of Conduct Books: All students have been issued a handbook and code of conduct book. Students were called to the auditorium Thursday and Friday to receive and go over the information with the Principal and Assistant Principal. Students need to return the signed (student and parent signatures) Internet Permission form and the handbook acknowledgement forms to their homeroom teachers as soon as possible. Nurse / Medical Information Cards: All students received a white card to record health information on for use in an emergency by the school nurse. Students need to fill out and sign along with parent signatures these forms as soon as possible to the homeroom teacher. Credit Recovery: The credit recovery program will begin Tuesday, August 12th. Students who are interested and need to make up a credit need to see Mrs. Frank or Mr. Bradford for more information and to sign up. Parents may call the school for more information and to sign a child up for the program. Check Policy: Checks will not be cashed for change. If you send a check for fees, lunch, or other school functions, be sure to include the following on the check: date of birth and driver's license number, child's first and last name. All checks without this information will be returned for this information to be put on them before the account can be credited. This is a Henry County Board of Education policy and we cannot process checks without this information.