Aviation Course Dual Enrollment Wallace College Dual Enrollment Courses Monthly School Events Calendar Clubs and Activities Pictures
AMT 100 Aviation Technical Preparation Course Dual Enrollment - HHS and Aviation Campus at Ozark Headland High School has joined with the Aviation Campus at Ozark to present our students with the opportunity to receive dual enrollment credits and enter the aviation field. This is a college level course taught by instructors from the Aviation College in Ozark on the Headland High School Campus. Click on the following link to visit the Ozark Aviation College web site: EOCC Home Page Qualifications to enter the program: 2.5 or above GPA, no exceptions, along with an interest in aviation. Course Description: This course introduces basic information necessary for entering students into aviation maintenance technology. Emphasis is placed on math and physics, aircraft weight and balance, and Federal Aviation Administration (FFA) and manufacturers' technical and legal publications. Upon completion, students should be able to make basic computations, apply principles of physics, compute weight and balance, use maintenance forms and records, state mechanic's privileges and limitations and interpret maintenance publication. Course Objectives: Students should be able to do the following at the completion of the course:
Instructional Procedures and Methodologies: Instruction may include, but is not limited to: lecture, laboratory demonstrations, discussion, computer-assisted instruction, progressive examinations, pop quizzes, reviews, and a comprehensive final examination. Students will be required to actually perform the tasks and complete reports on a plane at the Ozark Aviation College. Dates for this part of the course will be announced in the class and transportation to and from the college will be provided.