Aviation Course Dual Enrollment Wallace College Dual Enrollment Courses Monthly School Events Calendar Clubs and Activities Pictures
| HEADLAND RAMS BASEBALL HEAD COACH: SETH NOLEN Asst. Coach: Mike Snell Asst. Coach: Tony Wilkerson 2009 Schedule
Date Day Opponent Location Time Feb. 19 Thurs. Houston Academy Home 5:00 Feb. 21 Sat. Wicksburg Wicksburg 11:00 Feb. 21 Sat. Carroll Wicksburg 1:00 Feb. 24 Tues. Enterprise Enterprise 5:00 Feb. 27 Fri. #Opp Opp 6:00 Feb. 28 Sat. #Florala Opp 1:00 Feb. 28 Sat. #Andalusia Opp 4:00 March 7 Sat. Dadeville Dadeville 11:00 March 7 Sat. Horse Shoe Bend Dadeville 1:30 March 14 Sat. Smiths Station Northview TBA March 14 Sat. Northview Northview TBA March 19 Thurs. Ashford Ashford 5:00 March 20 Fri. Geneva Headland 5:00 March 23 Mon. Pike County @ Pike County 4:30 March 24 Tues. Dale County @ Dale County 5:00 March 26 Thurs. *Carroll G.W. Long 4:00 March 26 Thurs. *G.W. Long G.W. Long 7:00 March 27 Fri. *Enterprise G.W. Long 4:00 March 28 Sat. *Tournament Championship G.W. Long TBA March 31 Tues. Abbeville @ Abbeville 5:00 April 2 Thurs. Pike County @ Headland 5:00 April 4 Sat. G.W. Long Headland 10:00 DH April 7 Tues. Dale County @ Headland 5:00 April 10 Fri. Abbeville @ Headland 5:00 April 11 Sat. Enterprise Headland 10:00 April 11 Sat. Straughn Headland 4:00 April 13 Mon. Houston Academy Houston Academy 5:00 April 17 Fri. 1st Round of the State Playoffs
# Denotes Opp tournament games * Denotes G.W. Long tournament games @ Denotes Area games