2004 School Calendar School Calendar for 2004 - 2005 School Year March Events: March 14th: Auburn University Summer Bridge Program deadline to apply (see announcements or Senior page for details); Deadline for Young Women in Public Affairs Scholarship (see Senior Page for details) - Assembly in the auditorium at 10:45 for entire student body March 15th: District IX School Office Personnel Scholarship deadline (see Senior page for details) March 17th: Nine Weeks Tests will be given in the first and third period classes - students do not check out, we will have a normal school day. March 18th: Nine Weeks Tests will be given in the second and third period classes - students will not check out, we will have a normal school day; Last day for late registration with a late fee for April 9th ACT Assessment; Pea River Electric Cooperative $1,000 Scholarship deadline (see Senior page for details) March 21 - April 1: Spring Holidays March 25th: Last day to register for the May 7th SAT. April Events: April 4th: Students return to school after Spring Break; Fourth nine weeks begins; Deadline for SSA Student Scholarships applications (see Senior Page for details); Cheerleader try-out meeting in the auditorium at 6:00 p. m. - each girl trying out must attend with one or both parents April 5th: Report cards go out - parents may pick up the report cards and visit with teachers from 5 - 7 p. m. at the high school April 6th: Last day for late registeration for the May 7th SAT April 7th: Stillman College - W. E. B. DuBois Honors Conference (see annoucement page for details) - NJROTC field trip April 8th: First Priority Assembly at 2:00 p. m. in the auditorium - NJROTC field trip April 9th: ACT Assessment begins at 8:00 a. m. April 15th: Progress Reports go out in all classes April 19th: Pre-Physicals for anyone playing any sports at 1:30 in the gym April 22nd: Headland High School prom - Lead out is at the Dothan Civic Center beginning at 8:00 p. m. April 25th: Physicals for anyone going to play sports will be available in the gym at 1:30 for $10.00 April 29th: Progress reports go out in all classes; Last day for registration for the June 4th SAT; Kelvin T. May Memorial Scholarship deadline (see Senior page for details) May Events: May 6th: Last day for registration for June 11th ACT Assessment - Mrs. Parker's Chemistry and Physics classes field trip to Six Flags Over Georgia in Atlanta, GA May 7th: SAT assessment test will be given. May 11th: Last day for late registration for June 11th SAT. May 12th: Rusty Parker will be here to take orders from the Sophomore class for rings from 3 - 6 p. m. May 13th: Progress Reports go out in all classes - Rusty Parker will be in the auditorium to take orders for class rings from any Sophomores who did not order on the 12th May 15th: Deadline for Educational Communications Scholarship Foundation applications (see Senior page for details) May 17th: Honors Banquet at the First Baptist Church in Headland May 20th: Last day for late registration with a late fee for June 11th ACT Assessment - Spring football game will be played with Columbia at Columbia - time TBA May 21st: All-Sports Banquet at the Rehab Center in Dothan May 22nd: Baccalaurette - time and place TBA later May 23rd: Senior Exams for 1st and 2nd periods - Seniors will leave campus after taking the exams each day May 24th: Senior Exams for 3rd and 4th periods - Seniors will leave campus after taking the exams each day May 30th: Memorial Day Holiday May 27th: Graduation at the Dothan Civic Center at 7:00 May 31 - June 2: Final Exams for second block - Students may check out after taking the exams. The list of which exams will be given on which day will be posted closer to exam time. June Events: June 2nd: Last day for students June 3rd: Teacher workday/Last day for teachers June 4th: SAT assessment test will be given. June 11th: ACT Assessment begins at 8:00 a. m.
2005 - 2006 School Calendar August Events August 3, 4 & 5: Teacher Institute/Inservice/Open House August 8: First Day for students August 8 - October 6: First Session (First Nine Weeks) - 43 days September Events September 5: School Holiday - Labor Day October Events October 4, 5 & 6: Nine Weeks Tests October 7: Parent Conference/ Student Holiday - Alternate Weather Make-Up Days October 6 - 14: First Intersession ( October Break) October 17 - December 20: Second Session (Second Nine Weeks) - 43 days November Events November 11: School Holiday - Veteran's Day November 23 - 25: School Holiday - Thanksgiving December Events December 16, 19, & 20: Nine Weeks Tests December 21 - January 8: Christmas Holidays January Events January 5 & 6: Teacher Workday/ Inservice January 9 - March 15: Third Session (Third Nine Weeks) - 46 days January 16: School Holiday - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday February Events February 20: School Holiday - President's Day - Alternate Weather Make-Up Day March Events March 13, 14, & 15: Nine Weeks Tests March 16 - 24: Third Intersession (Spring Break) March 27 - May 26: Fourth Session (Fourth Nine Weeks) - 43 days April Events April 14: School Holiday - Good Friday May Events May 23, 24, 25: Nine Weeks Tests May 25: Last day for students May 26: Last day for teacher/Workday - Alternate Weather Make-Up Day